
Programmeurs Schippop:
“Deze Hagenezen zetten met zijn drieen (!) de Melkweg op zijn kop. Terechte winnaar van De Grote Prijs Rock Alternative.”

Independent, young and driven: that’s WOOT in a nutshell. Founded in 2008 during their late teens, the drummer, bassist and lead guitarist/singer excel in highly influenced yet unmistakably original psychedelic indie pop. Their signature songwriting has a sound range from bare and modest to massive eruptions. 

From The Hague, The Netherlands, WOOT has spread its wings in no time, playing prestigious festivals such as SXSW in Austen, Texas, Crossing Border Festival and Walk the Line and in 2011 won Holland’s oldest and most well-known band competition Grote Prijs van Nederland (Great Prize of the Netherlands) in the category alternative rock. 

But it won’t end there. WOOT is ready for more.